The Executive Directors discussed via conference call the need to address the situation of GRSP students who may wish to return to their home country in light of the corona virus pandemic.   It was decided that we need to be sensitive to each student, their parents’ wishes, and their home country’s mandates.

This situation is evolving daily.  Our policy is that each student in consultation with the student’s family at home and local host clubs can decided whether to remain in the US or return home.  If a student desires to return home after consultation with their parents and Rotarian hosts then we support that decision.  For those students who choose to remain in the United States we should ensure that they either have permission to remain in the dorms on campus or that a Rotarian will welcome them into their home until all of this has cleared.

This is a difficult time for all of us as we navigate our way through each and every day and our biggest desire is for everyone to remain safe. GRSP host families, host clubs, trustees, and directors stand in full support of our students and their well-being.